Possessive Nouns Worksheets

Possessive Nouns Worksheets

Possessive noun worksheets are educational resources that provide practice in using possessive nouns. Possessive nouns are nouns that show ownership or possession. They are formed by adding an apostrophe and an “s” to the end of a noun (singular) or by adding an apostrophe after the “s” at the end of a plural noun that ends in “s.” For example, the possessive form of the noun “dog” is “dog’s,” and the possessive form of the noun “cats” is “cats’.”

Possessive noun worksheets can help students to understand the rules for forming possessive nouns. They can also help students to practice using possessive nouns in sentences. There are many different types of possessive noun worksheets available, so teachers can find one that is appropriate for the needs of their students.

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