Circle Of Control Worksheet

Circle Of Control Worksheet

A circle of control worksheet is a tool that helps individuals identify the aspects of their lives that they can control and those that they cannot. By understanding the difference between the two, people can focus their energy on the things that they can change and let go of the things that they cannot.

Circle of control worksheets can be beneficial for people of all ages and backgrounds. They can be used to help manage stress, anxiety, and depression. They can also be used to improve relationships, productivity, and overall well-being. Worksheets come in many formats and can be simple circles divided into two halves with aspects written in each half or they can be more complex with additional sections or prompts. Worksheets can also be customized to fit individual needs and preferences.

The concept of the circle of control is based on the Serenity Prayer, which reads: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” By understanding the difference between the things we can and cannot control, we can live more peaceful and fulfilling lives.

circle of control worksheet

A circle of control worksheet is a tool that can help you identify the aspects of your life that you can control and those that you cannot. By understanding the difference, you can focus your energy on the things that you can change and let go of the things that you cannot. This can lead to a more peaceful and fulfilling life.

  • Self-awareness: Circle of control worksheets can help you become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This can lead to a better understanding of yourself and your motivations.
  • Empowerment: By focusing on the things that you can control, circle of control worksheets can help you feel more empowered and in control of your life.
  • Acceptance: Circle of control worksheets can help you learn to accept the things that you cannot change. This can lead to a greater sense of peace and serenity.

Circle of control worksheets are a simple but effective tool that can help you improve your mental health and well-being. If you are struggling with stress, anxiety, or depression, a circle of control worksheet may be a helpful tool for you.


Self-awareness is the foundation for personal growth and development. When you are self-aware, you are able to understand your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This understanding can lead to greater self-control, better decision-making, and more fulfilling relationships.

  • Identifying your thoughts and feelings: Circle of control worksheets can help you to identify your thoughts and feelings by asking you to pay attention to your inner experiences. By becoming more aware of your thoughts and feelings, you can begin to understand why you think and feel the way you do.
  • Understanding your motivations: Once you are able to identify your thoughts and feelings, you can begin to understand your motivations. Your motivations are the reasons why you do the things you do. By understanding your motivations, you can make more informed decisions and take action that is in line with your values.
  • Taking control of your life: When you are self-aware, you are able to take control of your life. You can make choices that are in your best interests and live a life that is true to yourself.

Circle of control worksheets are a simple but effective tool that can help you to become more self-aware. By using these worksheets, you can gain a better understanding of yourself and your motivations. This understanding can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.


Circle of control worksheets can help you feel more empowered and in control of your life by helping you to identify the things that you can control and those that you cannot. This understanding can help you to focus your energy on the things that you can change and let go of the things that you cannot.

  • Taking action: When you focus on the things that you can control, you are more likely to take action to improve your life. This is because you know that you have the power to make a difference.
  • Making decisions: When you understand the difference between the things that you can and cannot control, you can make better decisions about how to spend your time and energy. This can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.
  • Setting boundaries: When you know your limits, you can set boundaries to protect your time and energy. This can help you to avoid feeling overwhelmed and stressed.
  • Building resilience: When you focus on the things that you can control, you build resilience to life’s challenges. This is because you know that you have the power to overcome adversity.

Circle of control worksheets are a simple but effective tool that can help you to feel more empowered and in control of your life. By using these worksheets, you can identify the things that you can control and those that you cannot. This understanding can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.


Acceptance is a key component of a healthy and fulfilling life. When we accept the things that we cannot change, we can let go of the stress and anxiety that comes with trying to control everything. Circle of control worksheets can help us to identify the things that we can and cannot control, and to learn to accept the things that we cannot.

  • Letting go of control: Circle of control worksheets can help us to let go of the need to control everything. This can be a difficult process, but it is essential for our mental health and well-being.
  • Focusing on the present moment: When we focus on the things that we cannot control, we are more likely to dwell on the past or worry about the future. Circle of control worksheets can help us to focus on the present moment, which is the only thing that we can actually control.
  • Finding peace and serenity: When we accept the things that we cannot change, we can find peace and serenity. This is because we are no longer fighting against reality. We can simply accept things as they are, and find peace in the present moment.

Circle of control worksheets are a simple but effective tool that can help us to learn to accept the things that we cannot change. By using these worksheets, we can reduce stress and anxiety, focus on the present moment, and find peace and serenity.

Circle of Control Worksheet FAQs

What is a circle of control worksheet?

A circle of control worksheet is a tool that helps you identify the aspects of your life that you can control and those that you cannot. By understanding this difference, you can focus your energy on the things that you can change and let go of the things that you cannot.

What are the benefits of using a circle of control worksheet?

  • Can help you to become more self-aware
  • Helps you feel more empowered
  • Helps you learn to accept the things that you cannot change

How can I use a circle of control worksheet?

There are many different ways to use a circle of control worksheet. One simple way is to divide a piece of paper into two circles. In the inner circle, list the things that you can control. In the outer circle, list the things that you cannot control.

What if I struggle to identify the things that I can control?

If you are struggling to identify the things that you can control, try focusing on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. These are all things that you have direct control over.

Do I have to use a worksheet?

No, you do not have to use a worksheet. You can simply reflect on the things that you can and cannot control in your life. However, using a worksheet can be a helpful way to organize your thoughts and feelings.

Summary: Circle of control worksheets are a simple but effective tool that can help you to live a more peaceful and fulfilling life. By understanding the difference between the things that you can and cannot control, you can focus your energy on the things that matter most.

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Tips for Using a Circle of Control Worksheet

Circle of control worksheets are a simple but effective tool that can help you to live a more peaceful and fulfilling life. By understanding the difference between the things that you can and cannot control, you can focus your energy on the things that matter most.

Here are five tips for using a circle of control worksheet:

Tip 1: Be honest with yourself. When you’re filling out your circle of control worksheet, it’s important to be honest with yourself about the things that you can and cannot control. Don’t try to sugarcoat things or make excuses. The more honest you are, the more beneficial the worksheet will be. Tip 2: Focus on the things that you can control. Once you’ve identified the things that you can control, focus your energy on those things. Don’t waste time worrying about the things that you cannot control. Tip 3: Let go of the things that you cannot control. This can be difficult, but it’s important to learn to let go of the things that you cannot control. Trying to control everything will only lead to stress and frustration. Tip 4: Be patient. It takes time to learn how to use a circle of control worksheet effectively. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. Just keep practicing and you’ll eventually see a difference. Tip 5: Use a circle of control worksheet regularly. The more you use a circle of control worksheet, the more beneficial it will be. Try to use it at least once a week, or more often if you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed.


A circle of control worksheet is a simple but effective tool that can help you to live a more peaceful and fulfilling life. By understanding the difference between the things that you can and cannot control, you can focus your energy on the things that matter most.

If you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or anxious, a circle of control worksheet can help you to identify the things that you can control and those that you cannot. This can help you to let go of the things that you cannot control and focus on the things that you can. Using the tips above, incorporate circle of control worksheets into your life and experience the positive impact it can bring.

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